A normal sense of dread a normal sense of dread he nights are fair drawin’ in just past the blue house Abort, Abort! sky and post Attic what we know The Nights Are Fair Drawin’ In Block beyond the plank over the hill and far away cliff edge a burning Doom the revenant a disturbance in the hall 1 a disturbance in the hall 2 beyond the last tree, a blue plane we are all golden sunflowers inside mental map It ain’t over It ain’t over green cupboard doom site of special scientific interest site of special scientific interest red ladder sky thru trees pink sun thru mist Unquiet structures when things were concrete 2 when things were concrete street scene pink pen the jitty the dreadful corner explanatory gap A generalised sense of something lost Dead Sun Dead Sun another sun Infinite Light Infinite Light 2 Logical Relations Sunshine One Sunny Day Domestic and a dog barked outside next Thursday I think… pre run betwixt and between between worlds a position at, or on both sides, of a boundary or threshold a position at, or on both sides, of a boundary or threshold I don’t know if they’re coming Morning Jibber on and off again on and off again on and off again on and off again on and off again on and off again on and off again on and off again on and off again thinking things thinking things towel less thinking things thinking things ordinary people thinking things thinking things thinking things thinking things Park Life goal posts rusty goal The Dislocation elsewhere a walk in the park Uneasy Peace house house house Sci-fi screen red ladder Room red room with drifting smoke red room shuttered everything 3 everything 2 everything 1 Logical relations 1 explanatory gap at one remove conversation at one remove picnic at one remove tendrils from a dsitance drift dancing in the wood dancing in the wood dancing in the wood then shimmering shimmering shimmering storage smoke and mirrors Logical relations 2 between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act monster fort beached mono, mesa, muerte gap arrangement Tables upscuttle late night chat late night chat simple mechanics simple mechanics simple mechanics Large Space hard rain big space, small people after the party picture gallery on rails the masochist Order a little bit baroque ordered order sky and ground a bit baroque wall and floor An illustrated History of Doubt An Illustrated History Of Doubt An Illustrated History Of Doubt An Illustrated History Of Doubt tales from the vault false consciousness false consciousness false consciousness Liminaliscious Liminaliscious Liminaliscious Liminaliscious Liminaliscious Liminaliscious Whispers what! whisper whisper whisper what! doom Disaster Fantasies echoes echoes echoes there was a low humming in the distance there was a low humming in the distance there was a low humming in the distance there was a low humming in the distance disaster fantasy disaster fantasy disaster fantasy disaster fantasy disaster fantasy 4 AM Landscapes of the mind rain island elemental elemental elemental elemental elemental elemental elemental elemental elemental copse copse scudding low cloud elemental elemental elemental elemental cables circuit system long distance big bang big bang dystopic Unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping unwrapping three figures three figures three figures Course Rugby the game the game the game pitch side pitch side pitch side the alicadoos the alicadoos the alicadoos young player yound player the lads the lads Incidents in an imagined community it’s all kicking off neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch neighbourhood watch this never happened a real cat What is it about Democracy ... an american dream lets first agree on the facts lets first agree on the facts lets first agree on the facts lets first agree on the facts Out of The Corner Of My Eye Head Of A Saint, 2016 Slip, 2016 HammerHead, 2016 Romantic Landscape, 2016 Low Cloud, 2016 Existential The Planning Committee Life and Times Old Lovers 2, 2016 Old Lovers, 2016 The Brothers, 2016 Reflection, 2016 Old Lovers 3, 2016 At The Heart Of Things, 2016 Corruption, 2016 No Touching, 2017 Black Mirror, 2016 Other Peoples Stories Science and Nature Medical, 2016 Echo, 2016 Almost Minimal, 2016 Echo 2, 2016 With Friends Like These, 2016 Land, 2016 Flat, 2016 Fetish, 2016 Science Bush, 2016 Office Politics Atmospherics Emmission 2, 2016 Emmission, 2016 Flat, 2016 Land, 2016 Monster, 2016 Dreams of Home Singers and Dancers Rugby Moments Jackaling 4 Jackaling 2 The Backs, 2016 Pitch In The Absence of Information